Thursday, October 3, 2013

Top 10 cities you most visit in Iran: 9-Hamedan

Hello again guys it's been a long time since i haven't post i'm really sorry because of that i have a lot of work i can't come here much i hope you'll enjoy this post.
Hamedan is one of the oldest cities in Western Iran, and some believe the world.

how to travel to Hamedan:
you can travel to hamedan by bus, planes and cars there are no trains to Hamedan right now and there are daily flights to Hamedan from Tehran(capital) .

Places you must see:
  • Avicenna (Abu Ali Sina) Ibn Sina mausoleum
  • Ali Sadr Cave – about 100km north of Hamedan lies this fascinating cave the world's largest water cave , best toured by pedal boat
  • Baba Tahir Mausleum
  • Gonbad-e Alavian
  • Ganjnameh, is an ancient inscription which has been carved in granite, is composed of two sections. One on the left ordered by Darius I and the other on the right was ordered by Xerxes I .
  • Hamadan Stone Lion
  • Shrine of Esther and Mordechai
  • Estakhr e Abbas Abad (an over-the-hill lake with a magnificent view to the city.
  • Nazari House
  • Hamadan Museum of Natural History, It has a considerable taxidermic collection of animals and insects. The museum also has an aquarium and live fish tanks.
  • Excavated Ancient Ekbatana City
  • Ester & Mordekhai tomb, . Believed to house the remains of the biblical Queen Esther and her uncle Mordechai, it is the most important pilgrimage site for Jews in the country.
  • Mohammadi House
to be continued ... .

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